25 More Models to Optimize your Decisions

Mental models are frameworks or ideas that enhance decision-making, problem-solving, and overall thinking.

Thought leaders Mentioned:

Chris Williamson, George Mack, Shane Parish, Alex Hormozi, Dr. Richard Bandler, Naval Ravikant, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett, Rob Henderson, and more.


  1. The Notion of Luxury Beliefs
    • These are beliefs held by those in a position of luxury, which do not affect them negatively but can impact less privileged individuals.
  2. Present Bias or Hyperbolic Discounting
    • The tendency to overvalue immediate rewards and undervalue future benefits.
  3. Outcome-Based Communication
    • Focus on the desired outcome of communication, ensuring it drives the recipient to take the desired action and feel the intended emotions.
  4. Second Order Thinking
    • Consider the consequences of decisions and the consequences of those consequences, thinking multiple steps ahead.
  5. The Law of Identity
    • Changing self-belief can alter actions, and changing actions can shift self-belief.
  6. Opinion Noise
    • Recognize that the loudness or prevalence of opinions does not equate to their accuracy or truth.
  7. Probabilistic Thinking
    • Make decisions based on the probability of different outcomes, rather than certainties.
  8. Investment Certainty
    • Evaluate the certainty of a decision by considering how much you would bet on it.
  9. Environmental Hacking
    • Alter your environment to make desired behaviors easier to adopt and maintain.
  10. The Principle of False Authority
    • Question the expertise of individuals, especially when they speak outside their field of expertise.
  11. Business Indigestion vs. Starvation
    • Businesses often fail due to taking on too much (indigestion) rather than a lack of resources (starvation).
  12. Sunk Cost Fallacy
    • Avoid continuing a failing project just because of the invested time and resources.
  13. Availability Heuristic
    • Judgments are often influenced by what is most easily recalled, not necessarily what is most accurate.
  14. Circle of Competence
    • Stay within areas of deep expertise to ensure credibility and competence.
  15. The Law of Diminishing Returns
    • Additional investments yield progressively smaller returns after a certain point.
  16. Embracing the Law of Subtraction
    • Sometimes removing elements from your life can lead to greater satisfaction and efficiency.
  17. The Paradox of Certainty
    • Those who are most certain are often the least accurate; real experts recognize nuance and uncertainty.
  18. The Law of Learned Experience
    • Valuable experience comes from diverse and challenging situations, not repetitive actions.
  19. The Map is Not the Territory
    • Our perceptions (maps) of reality (territory) are subjective and can be altered for better outcomes.
  20. The Law of Contextual Dependence
    • The effectiveness of actions and decisions often depends on the specific context.
  21. Identifying Ideological Blind Spots
    • Recognize that believing oneself to be non-ideological can itself be an ideological blind spot.
  22. Real vs. Imaginary Problems
    • Distinguish between real problems that require action and imaginary ones that stem from unfounded fears.
  23. Decision Hygiene and Resulting
    • Focus on the decision-making process rather than just the outcomes; avoid equating good results with good decisions.
  24. Hanlon’s Razor: Stupidity Over Malice
    • Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
  25. Life as an attention war
    • There are various forces vying for our focus. It’s essential to guard our attention and direct it towards beneficial activities and information.


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