"Owen is a fantastic speaker, mainly because he speaks from the heart, but he backs it up with techniques and ideas and systems and processes to make it easy for the audience to implement."

Tom Ziglar, Ziglar Inc.

"Owen as a presenter? One word comes across straight away. It’s just Phenomenal!"

Jay Chopra, CEO of Making Shift Happen (Formerly Pfizer)

"Owen is passionate, informed, sharp and enthusiastic, and the authority in his subject matter. Our team has always returned from his talk motivated, informed, and with a new perspective. For Walfrid, Owen is always top of our partner list."

Richard Collins, CEO Walfrid Private


We hired Owen for the biggest business leadership conference in the Baltics: FORUM ONE, where he had the toughest responsibility of opening the event. From surveying 10000 people, who listened to Owen’s speeches during Forum One 2013 and Forum One 2014 conferences, they listed Owen as the most engaging speaker. People, after his first event, buy tickets to his second event and third event, and so on. Working with Owen is fabulous and really easy.

Martynas Saikus

Co-founder FORUM ONE conferences


Owen is passionate, informed, sharp and enthusiastic, and the authority in his subject matter. Our team has always returned from his talk motivated, informed, and with a new perspective. For Walfrid, Owen is always top of our partner list.

Richard Collins

CEO Walfrid Private

Owen as a presenter? One word comes across straight away. It’s just Phenomenal!

Jay Chopra

CEO of Making Shift Happen (Formerly Pfizer)

I was staggered and blown away by how he adjusted his presentation on the spot to meet the audience’s energy. Owen was the speaker everyone was talking about the next day and weeks after the event as well! He did a phenomenal job keeping everyone engaged, laughing, and learning right up until the very end. He captivated the entire room.  If you are considering hiring Owen, I would say go for it. Your event will be better for it. He was professional in every sense of the word, leading up to the event, at the event after the event.

Stephanie Scheller, The Impact Authority

Just after the pandemic, a lot of our employees were really struggling with what was going on at the time. We brought Owen in to do a session for our whole company, and he absolutely nailed the content. We had about 250 people in the room, and I still hear reviews from the team about what a great meeting that was and; in fact, people are asking me when Owen is coming back. The feedback I got that I heard was mostly Authentic. Humorous. Practical. Connected with the audience. Well-spoken. Educated on the topics that he spoke about, and he delivered it practically so that people could relate to it and apply it to their lives.

Scott Brodkorb, CEO Renewal by Andersen of Central Pennsylvania


Owen Fitzpatrick is an outstanding trainer, truly unique in what he does, and just has an amazing ability to captivate an audience and get his message across so succinctly, but in a fun way.

Kathleen Besten

Oncology Nurse


Owen has a spectacular way of making his teachings accessible, and his credibility among other experts and members of the public are unique.

Margaret Considine

Founder of Equita


Just after the pandemic, a lot of our employees were really struggling with what was going on at the time. We brought Owen in to do a session for our whole company, and he absolutely nailed the content. We had about 250 people in the room, and I still hear reviews from the team about what a great meeting that was and; in fact, people are asking me when Owen is coming back. The feedback I got that I heard was mostly Authentic. Humorous. Practical. Connected with the audience. Well-spoken. Educated on the topics that he spoke about, and he delivered it practically so that people could relate to it and apply it to their lives.

Scott Brodkorb

CEO Renewal by Andersen of Central Pennsylvania





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Almost every single personal development approach I’ve studied over 30 years comes down to this solitary principle which I call the 4 and 2 principle. In this FREE PDF, I break down exactly what it is and how you can use it to transform your life.

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You have the expertise but how do you put it together in such a way you can turn it into a business? For years now, I’ve been asked many times to reveal what I would do today if I was building my expert business from scratch. In this video training, I break it down step-by-step, in order, and walk you through exactly what I would do today if I was to start from the beginning.

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This life changing video training explains the 8 steps that you need to take if you want to conquer adversity, handle change, manage your emotions and be at your best. I will explain some of the most important lessons I have learned from working with many thousands of people in more than 30 countries.

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