Hi there,

What’s the Story?

Intense weather in NY at the moment.

This week, I wanted to do something a little different and talk to you about mental health.

I wanted to speak to those of you who are struggling. On the podcast too, this week is all about anyone who is finding life tough right now. You can watch it here: video.owenfitzpatrick.com



How to Handle the Toughest Times

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes 48 seconds

For over 30 years, I’ve been battling against thoughts of depression, anxiety, and even suicidal tendencies.

In this issue, we’re going to have an honest conversation about what it means to struggle with mental health in today’s world.

I’ll share my story, discuss modern challenges, and offer some guidance and strategies to help you tackle your challenges.

If you’re ready, let’s dive in.

The Reality of Struggling

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by life or emotions, know that you’re not alone. We all face challenges that test our resilience and strength. Here’s a bit about my journey and how I’ve managed to cope over the years.

My Story

Growing up, I struggled immensely with depression. At 14, I felt isolated, bullied, and had very low self-esteem. My daily life was consumed by negative thoughts, to the point where I considered ending my life.

To me, three things happened in my life that transformed my world:

1. I found hope and became determined to survive and ‘go the distance’.

2. I realized that the way I was experiencing the world was not how the world was but how it felt to me.

3. I learned strategies and techniques to help me cope and become better at thinking in more positive ways.

Understanding Why We Feel the Way We Do

One of the things that helped me to feel hopeful in the beginning was the recognition that I was not alone. It’s common to feel like something is wrong with us when we’re struggling.

Many people experience these feelings, especially in the middle of the night when our darkest thoughts surface.

Here’s the truth: struggling with mental health is normal, and you are not alone.

Common Reasons We Struggle

1. Identity Crisis:

Major life changes, like retirement or career transitions, can leave us questioning our identity.

2. Personal Loss:

Breakups, divorces, or the death of a loved one can lead to intense emotional pain.

3. Health Issues:

Physical health problems can significantly impact our mental well-being.

4. General Malaise:

Sometimes, we just feel down, anxious, or worried without a clear reason.


Other Reasons Why We Struggle

Our feelings are influenced by various factors:

1. Comparison Culture: Social media has created a culture where we constantly compare our lives to others, often leading to feelings of inadequacy.

2. Political and Social Polarization: The constant division and conflict in society contribute to stress and anxiety.

3. Uncertainty and Change: Rapid changes in technology and society can make the future feel unpredictable and out of control.

Mental Health Struggles

Finally, mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and languishing are real challenges influenced by our brain chemistry, environment, and experiences.

Recognizing these struggles is the first step toward managing them.

Practical Strategies to Cope

Now that we’ve explored why we feel what we do, and explained why it is more normal than you might think, what are some strategies you can use to cope better with your life?

1. Take Care of Your Body:

Physical health greatly influences mental health. Focus on eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. These actions contribute to your overall well-being.

2. Improve Your Environment:

Create a supportive environment that promotes positivity. Surround yourself with uplifting people and spend time in nature or spaces that make you feel good.

3. Build a Supportive Community:

Connect with people who lift you up and challenge you to grow. If you can’t find this community in person, look for online groups or forums.


4. Embrace Vulnerability:

Accept that it’s okay to feel vulnerable and seek help when needed. Strength comes from acknowledging our struggles and taking steps to address them.

5. Leverage Positive Experiences:

Reflect on your experiences and learn from them. Identify the lessons you can apply to current challenges.

6. Challenge Negative Narratives:

The stories we tell ourselves shape our reality. Replace negative self-talk with empowering narratives that highlight your strengths and potential.

Life is inherently tough, and full of challenges and suffering. But it’s also full of opportunities for growth and resilience.

By taking care of your body, improving your environment, building a supportive community, and challenging negative narratives, you can more effectively navigate life’s struggles.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey.


This week’s podcast episode is the rawest episode I have ever done (link below). It’s very different to the usual style.

I just really hope it can help you feel more able to tackle the world.




The Brain Prompt

If you’re struggling at the moment, reach out to someone for help.

We live in a time when there are people trained in mental health and it’s easy to find them.

You don’t have to be alone.

For support and to chat with someone, call:

  • USA – Mental Health America – 988
  • Ireland – Samaritans helpline – 116 123
  • UK – Mind’s support line – 0300 102 1234
  • Australia – Lifeline – 13 11 14
  • Canada – CAMH – 9-8-8
  • New Zealand – Mental Health Foundation – 1737




P.S. This week’s Changing Minds podcast episode is for anyone who is finding life tough right now: check it out here.





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